28 June 2016

Going down

You might not be able to tell, but this is an old escaltor with real wooden stairs! It was a long way down to the Maastunnel

Here's how it looks for pedestrians; cyclists have a separate tunnel. I didn't walk the entire span, but I found it quite interesting. There is a similar tunnel in Hamburg that I visited not so long ago. For more treasures, take a look here. Photo taken in May 2016.


  1. Love that first shot, Hal! Great perspective. I'd be tempted to walk the stairs but then that would just prolong my agony !

  2. That looks like quite a steep way down!

  3. I don't know how it is now but that escalator had everybody with a bike to take. Now think on the bikes riding in holland and take the rush hour. You have got the picture? Terrible.

  4. By the way. Do I see a guy with a bike on that escalator? So I broke my brake cables.

  5. @sc there were a lot of cyclists, but it wasn't so full. Probably b/c it was the weekend.

  6. Almost makes me dizzy. Nice perspective.


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